Debt and Your Lifestyle: You Can Still Have Fun While Paying Off Debt

Happy family with outdoor activities riding bicycle together on beach

We’d all like to have a little less debt in our lives, but what’s stopping us? Many consumers don’t have the financial means to do fun activities while they are swimming in debt. Or, they don’t want to sacrifice their social life to their debt, so they continue to add more or ignore it. Paying off […]

Budgeting 101

Businessman Planning Budget

When money is tight, it is essential to take a step back and review what monies are coming in(income¹) and what dollars are going out (expenses). Individuals feel strapped when they spend more money than they are making. It is essential to understand what expenses are required versus discretionary. For some, a cup of coffee […]

Average Student Loan Debt in the US: Statistics & Facts

Understanding Student Loan Repayment Options. Pros and Cons of Federal vs Private Student Loans

Over the last decade, the price tag of a college education has continued to climb higher and higher. So much so that it has become a hot topic in recent years, with politicians and experts proposing various solutions to address the problem. Proposed solutions range from forgiving all student loan debt to implementing income-based repayment […]

6 Simple Steps to Building a Better Budget

Shot of a young couple planning their budget together at home

Many of us simply swipe our cards day-to-day and have automatic payments set up for subscription services. This lackluster attitude toward our finances might be easy, but it also makes checking our bank and credit statements an anxiety-ridden task.  Creating a better budget is a simple solution to getting ahead on your finances and managing your […]

6 Personal Finance Tips For High School Students And Young Adults

Crop students approving high school education

Finance Tips For Students. Setting a budget, savings, controlling spending and monitoring bank statements can seem like a real drag to teenagers in high school and college. Learning good financial practices at a young age will set millennials up for a debt free future. Maxing out credit cards, taking out student loans can cause lifelong financial problems that […]

5 Smart Ways to Use Your Tax Refund This Year

Money and refund check US Federal tax 1040 income tax form

3 in 4 Americans receive an annual tax refund from the IRS. Last year, the average check cut by the IRS was $2,873.  If you’re like many Americans, your tax refund is the largest cash infusion you’ll receive all year. While the tax refunds are smaller this year for several reasons, they’re coming at an opportune time. […]

5 reasons why you need to file your taxes early

Tax concept

Filing your taxes isn’t an option. You have to do it. But when you do, it does offer some flexibility. There’s the deadline of April 15th each year, but most people can extend it through October 15th if needed. But should you? Ideally, to keep your personal finances in order and to maintain order, it’s best to […]

5 Affordable Summer Staycation Ideas When You’re on a Budget

Smiling Multi-Generation Family On Summer Holiday Relaxing In Swimming Pool On Airbed

When you’re on vacation you can typically save money by skipping restaurants, staying with friends and family, and doing free activities, and while you can always hunt for thrifty travel deals, you usually can’t forgo the cost of traveling to your destination.  Gas prices are at an all-time high and airline tickets have increased by 25% since […]

4 Step Guide to Budget Planning

Home budget, finance planning and senior couple calculating their expenses, bills or income during

Whether you’re budget planning to save for college or retirement, your debt challenges are unique and we understand that. This guide is designed to help you save money and get out of debt, yet the entire process of doing so is easier said than done. That said, here are a few things that you will need […]

3 Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas for Your Family in 2023, Despite Facing Debt

Valentine's Day concept. Exchange of gifts. Young couple at home celebrating Valentine's Day.

This year’s Valentine’s Day is approaching, so this might just be the perfect time for you to figure out what you’ll get for your loved ones. To help with your decision, we compiled a list of what we think would be great surprises for your family. Facing debt and concerned about spending? Not to worry, […]